Minnesota AGRI grants
Choose Iowa Grants
Dairy Business Builder
Value-Added Producer Grants (VAPG)
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program

The Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Program aims to advance Minnesota's agricultural and renewable energy sectors by increasing productivity, improving efficiency, and aiding in the development of agricultural products.

Types of Projects: Projects that enhance farm profitability, explore new agricultural methods, develop new markets, and improve the state's agricultural infrastructure.

Eligibility: Applicants must be principal operators of livestock operations in Minnesota, state residents, or business entities authorized to farm in Minnesota. They must hold appropriate feedlot registration if applicable and be in good standing with the state.

Funding Amounts: A total of $650,000 will be awarded in the FY 2024 spring round. The grant covers 10% of the first $250,000 of an eligible investment, with a maximum grant amount of $25,000 per project per fiscal year. Each individual or farm can receive only one grant in FY 2024.

Application Timeline: Applications are accepted annually with varying specific deadlines.For more information, visit "AGRI Livestock Investment Grant"